Combinand designul iconic al regulatoarelor originale din seria D cu cele mai recente progrese in tehnologia performantei respiratiei, inginerii SCUBAPRO au creat un regulator al secolului XXI din punct de vedere al calitatii, fiabilitatii, performantei si stilului. Noul D420 prezinta o supapa echilibrata nou-nouta in interiorul unei carcase sustinuta de o structura metalica completa.
Politica de securitate (editeaza cu modulul Reasigurare pentru clienti)
Politica de livrare (editeaza cu modulul Reasigurare pentru clienti)
Politica de returnare (editeaza cu modulul Reasigurare pentru clienti)
Called the Progressive Flow Control Valve, it is able to deliver abundant airflow for the best breathing performance, with a natural smoothness comparable to what you might experience breathing on the surface. The uniquely shaped fiberglass-reinforced nylon casing is ultra-durable and allows the LP hose to be connected on either the right or left side for maximum rigging flexibility. A new dive/pre-dive system includes a switch on the top of the casing with a thumb tab for adjusting the direction of airflow right out of the valve. The highly efficient purge button is a technical jewel based on a new concept that gives the D420 its unique face. Teamed with the venerable MK25 EVO balanced piston first stage, this is a regulator system purpose-designed for today’s avid divers and SCUBAPRO brand enthusiasts everywhere.